NOV/DEC 2010

Issue 71
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Online Content
Editor's letter

The Pillars of Art

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As we watch the first decade of the 21st century draw to a close, ArtAsiaPacific’s November/December issue reflects on rapid shifts in the cultural landscape since the magazine’s debut in 1993.


Brutal Attack During Gallery Openings

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On the evening of September 21, four art galleries in Tophane, an Istanbul neighborhood that lies between the busy pedestrian avenue of İstiklal in the cultural Beyoğlu district and the port area of Karaköy, organized simultaneous openings to welcome the autumn art season.


First Intermedia School Opens

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On September 12, the China Academy of Art (CAA) opened the School of Intermedia Art (SIMA) in Hangzhou. The new school integrates the departments of new media, experimental art and curatorial studies into a single program. It is the first initiative on the mainland for contemporary interdisciplinary arts study.

France Japan

Too Cute to Fail

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Modeled after Japan’s big-budget comics and science-fiction industries, Takashi Murakami’s Kaikai Kiki company openly makes business of fine art, creating everything from auction-record-breaking works to souvenir bibelots.

News: The Point

An Old Model, A New Means

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The single biggest shift in the art world over the past 20 years has been the proliferation of event-driven activities.

China Belgium
Essays: Case Study

A History of Violence

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What’s white, blue and more valuable every time it’s broken?

Iran USA
Profiles: Personal History

A Faded Utopia
Sara Rahbar

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Sara Rahbar reflects on her childhood exile from Iran and its influence on her work.


Off the Page
Li Xianting

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Persevering through seemingly endless cycles of repression and reform between the 1960s and 1980s, a writer-turned-curator strives to support the emerging Chinese avant-garde. 

Turkey Pakistan USA

The Sound of Broken Clapping
Hamra Abbas

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From sculptural renditions of the Kama Sutra’s lovemaking couples to photographs of Istanbul cityscapes with their minarets erased, a young artist meditates on the paradoxes of love, war, cultural identity and finding home away from home.

Gow Langsford Gallery

Dear Beauty, Dear Beast
Reuben Paterson

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A poetic title for a serious subject, Reuben Paterson’s third solo exhibition at Gow Langsford Gallery was a personal response to the “provocation” or “gay panic” legal debate in New Zealand.

Korea, South
Artsonje Center

Voice Over Three
Haegue Yang

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Haegue Yang’s first solo show in her native Korea was a compact survey of a dozen sculptures, videos and conceptual works as well as a large installation.

China Taiwan France USA
Red Gate Gallery

Garden of Autumn Vapors
Liu Dao

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Based in Shanghai, the international artist collective Liu Dao (also known as Island6) is comprised of members from China, Taiwan, France, Latvia and the United States.

Japan Taiwan Thailand
Reviews: Book Review

Three Colorful Midcareer Monographs

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For those loyal to the notion that art is a practice that tames the beast in humankind, bringing out the best in our species, the three books under review might seem about as exciting as caged hamsters.

Indonesia Australia

Where I Work
Dadang Christanto

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When the 53-year-old Indonesian artist Dadang Christanto was eight years old, his father was abducted in the middle of the night by army-sanctioned thugs, never to return.

Print Content
Wish You Were Here: Rajath Suri
Questionnaire: Billy Apple
My Eight: Chitra Ganesh
The Last Word: Interior Decorum
Ideas on a Napkin: Indieguerillas
Jakarta: Homophobic Threats Mar Film Festival
Sydney: Art Scene Keeps Growing
Darwin: New Prize for Indigenous New-Media Art
Doha: Arab Modern Art Museum to Debut
Round Up: Jagged Edges
Auction Report
Art Fair Report
Whispering Gallery
Archive: A Machine for Thinking
Perspective: Cutting Through the Noise
Current Affairs: From Both Sides Now
Interview: The Otolith Group
Interview: Arlo Mountford
In Depth: Xu Bing
Tabaimo: All That Creeps Beneath the Surface
Inhwan Oh: In Limbo
Ashley Bickerton: Exposed By My Gaudy Plumage Once Again
Berlin: “Being Singular Plural”
Tokyo: Tam Ochiai
New Delhi: Mrinalini Mukherjee
Dubai: “I U [Heart]”
Istanbul: Cengiz Çekil

Barcelona: “Creation-Procreation”
Paris: Yeondoo Jung
London: Prajakta Palav Aver
New York: “Tradition Transformed”

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David Zwirner Artspace ACAW KUKJE GALLERY